I am aware that I promised to do a blog on this centuries ago, but if you havent noticed already I am not the most consistent person in the world. But I am currently working on that.
I posted a video on youtube and elsewhere on how to take care of your skin- basically how to prep it for makeup. This will be a more detailed version of it. However, if you prefer something short and sweet, you can watch the video here>> www.youtube.com/watch?v=CeDIs97ucIY
Alright, lets get to it
What is your skin type?
You can find out your skin type by simply washing your face and letting it air dry. (No soap necessary). If when your skin dries your face feels tight then you have dry skin; if your face gets greasy or oily then you have oily skin; if it feels tight in most places but oily in a few, then you have combination dry skin; if it feels oily in most places and tight in a few then you have combination oily skin.
Simple right?
Now on to how to take care of your type of skin
Oily skin
With oily skin, products tend to slip off your face because of the excess oil it is producing. now your first instinct may be to avoid any sort of moisturizer so as not to increase the oil BUT STOPPP! oily skin needs love too! The excess oil is because your pores are not producing the right amount of sebum for your skin, so they kick into overdrive and produce more than they should. What you need to do is to restore the proper ph balance (I feel like the beauty industry has forgotten this term since the 90s dont you?). You can do this with an oil-free or gel based moisturizer. Some good ones I recommend are:
- Clinique's dramatically different moisturizing gel
- cetaphil
- simple oil-free moisturizer
- johnson and johnson oil-free
This skin type needs to look for anything that has more oils in it that alcohol blends. Nowadays, the bottle or tube that the mositurizer is sold in usually says what kind of skin the moisturizer is geared towards. Moisturizers that contain olive oil, soy oil, cocoa butter oil or any similar heavy oil will be ideal for this kind of skin. If you cannot find a moisturizer with these heavy oils then look for two moisturizers- one with spf for the daytime and a heavier creme mositurizer for nighttime such as ponds or neutrogena
Combination Oily
This skin type can use the same type of moisturizers as those with oily skin but stay away from the gel-based moisturizers. if you already have a gel-based moisturizer dont throw it out but try this trick>> after you wash your face dont dry it, but apply the moisturizer onto your wet skin and massage it in then let it air dry. Simple right?
Combination Dry
Use the same creme-based moisturizer as those with dry skin but apply the moisturizer first only to those areas of the face that tend to get dry then massage the remainder onto the oilier parts. If you still find that this makes you too oily then a moisturizer toner should take care of that.
Normal skin
Any moisturizer that is not geared towards a specific skin type is suitable for you. So long as the moisturizer is non-hypoallergenic, feel free to experiment with the effects of different moisturizers on your skin.
THE NUMBER ONE RULE is to get a moisturizer with sunscreen in it or you will find yourself with premature wrinkles, sunspots, and uneven skin tone. Also, the age-old tip of water water water really works.
If you find that youre breaking out, then get some witch hazel on a cotton ball and swipe onto your skin or swallow a couple cubes of aloe vera. When you wake up the next morning you'll be surprised to find any problem areas have cleared up.
And thats it for now. Remember beauty just means being you!
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