You may get a bit more excited if you know how to spin your wardrobe into stylish layers so despite the drop in temperature you can still look snazzy dahlin.
Here are my tips for the Ladies and Gents
1. Layer like a Pro
Layering only really works when you pair complimentary colours and complimentary textures. I promise I won't school you too much on this but I will say this its always a good idea to start with a neutral and then either go for jewel tones OR pastels OR bright colours. Mixing items from different groups can have disastrous results.
For the Ladies, a sweater over a chambray shirt is chic:
And for the men, this is a nice option:
2. Cover up those feet
It is generally always a good idea to wear closed shoes during this weather, and something that can be easily cleaned.
For the ladies, flats are a good option, but so are well-heeled pumps in patent leather. Patent leather is not as porous as other materials and can be quickly wiped off. (Now, heels and wet weather? Take this with a grain of salt. If your shoe soles are smooth this is not a good idea, so be careful.)
For the men - those loafers with stiffer leather (or faux leather) and gradated soles are a good idea. The same goes for you - avoid smooth-soled shoes during this weather. Selections I like include:
3. Jack-et it Up
I love love love jackets - of any kind. And this is the time when I get to bust em out without breaking into sweat.
4. Borrow from the Yankees
Take a page out of the book of those who do live in cold climates and translate it to suit our climate. I am excited to incorporate - beanies, patterned tights/stockings (I love these), wedge booties, parkas.
What are you excited to pull out of your closet now that the weather has cooled down?
Leave me a comment and let me know.
Till later,
PS - I will be attempting Vlogmas this year. We'll see how that goes....
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