Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Ten Step Programme to Thicker Hair

Lush, bouncy, thick hair is the stuff of wet dreams. *ahem*. That's why Herbal Essence's concept of the shampoo ad hasn't changed for years. But, what they don't tell you is that getting your hair healthy happens in those times when you're not sudsing up. 

Here are ten steps to getting thicker hair. I basically swear by this. One month of this and your hair will feel so much healthier. Here you are luvs:

  1. Go easy on the hair washing: Your hair is at its weakest when it is wet; and since washing your hair means stripping it of its oils (yes, even sulfate-free shampoos strip the hair a bit) it means that its protection is at its lowest. And since your hair is dead already all that tugging and stretching and pulling makes it even weaker. Try your hand at dry shampoo and wash for hygienic purposes not because you want your hair to be more pliable.
  2. Forget the ponytail, Bend and Snap!: That tiny little elastic band can cause friction in your hair and encourage breakage. Ever wonder why the very centre of the hair in your ponytail is growing thin? It's because you keep putting pressure on it. Instead, twist your hair loosely, bend it and pin with a snap clip or a hair pin. Ever so often change the height of the twist and the place you pin your hair.
  3. Protein treatment: Your hair is basically creepy-looking skin so you need to nourish it. Imagine what your skin would look like if you didn't lotion it for days? Better yet, compare the hair on your arms to the hair underneath your arms. Feel how course the hair underneath your arms feel? That's un-moisturized hair. Don't do that to yourself okay? (I am by no means encouraging anyone to lotion their pits)
  4. Forget the heat: Seriously, put down the flat iron, the blow dryer and the curling iron. If you want your hair to be lush, then start giving it a break. Set your hair or wrap it instead, you'll cut down on frizz and breakage and your hair will start to feel and look like it actually belongs on your head. Need to be convinced of the damage heat can wreak? Watch this click me!
  5. Feed your hair: Water, nuts, avocado, milk and supplements including fatty acids, vitamins A,C and E are nutrients your hair needs to thrive. Up your intake of healthy and you will start to see a difference.
  6. Leave in: When you're stressed, your hair gets stressed too. Ever notice that you break out when you're super-stressed? What do you think is happening with your hair? It's getting weaker and weaker. You can combat this while you sleep if you use a leave-in treatment. Something as simple as combing in extra virgin olive oil or coconut oil while you sleep while give parched strands something to rejoice about.
  7. Colour me not: Stay away from colour. Seriously, put down the bleach. Seriously. Yes I know you want that beautiful colour but if you do it while your hair is damaged it will just look trashy and start to break in a few weeks. It's hard, I know (my hair is naturally the colour of mud) but hey it's worth it to spot a random picture of you on Facebook with your hair all glossy and shiny
  8. Hot Oil is your friend: hot oil treatments before you shampoo or chemically treat your hair will give your strands a nice coat and help it to absorb the moisture it needs to stand up to the stress of being washed. And the good news is is that all you need is three tablespoons of your fave virgin oil.
  9. The Right Tools: Yup yup, the combs and brushes and hot tools you use in your hair do make a difference. For combs you want to make sure the teeth are smooth all the way around so that it doesn't snag or rip your hair. For brushes it is important that the bristles are smooth as well but most importantly they need to be flexible. If a brush scrapes your skin uncomfortably then it won't do a good job on your hair. For anything heat-wise ceramic is better than metal and ions are better for your hair. Read your labels ladies, because we don't have money or time to waste.
  10. The Ginger Trick: Indian women are notoriously known for their long thick tresses so borrow this trick from them. Every other week peel a small ginger. Grate or process half of it and run the juice and the pulp through your scalp and along your hair line. Poke a fork into the remaining half so it becomes runny and rub in small circles (almost like your massaging your scalp) over areas that are thinning out. What's the science behind this? No clue, but the ginger is said to be a natural stimulant that doesn't cause irritation (hint menthol) while it contains natural antibodies that fortify hair.

And there you have it. Try this out and let me know what your experience is. 
Till later,

1 comment:

  1. Check out my weekly link love post. You've been featured! http://as-told-by-nella.blogspot.com/2013/03/friday-link-love.html Enjoy!!!:)


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