Monday, April 16, 2012

DIY Sugar Body Scrub

This is by far the easiest beauty treatment I have ever done. It took less than two minutes to make and application and use was less than five minutes. Sugar scrubs are easy and quick and accessible to almost everyone because more than likely you have these items in your house already. You can use it on your lips or your shoulders or decolletage, your thighs or anywhere else you want to smooth quickly.

  • Brown Sugar

  • Mineral Oil (I prefer using this to baby oil because it can be ingested without causing any harm, and I use this sugar scrub for my lips but if you are using it on your body baby oil works just as well. EV Olive Oil and Castor Oil work too)

Depending on how much you want, add two parts brown sugar to one part Mineral Oil. You want the mixture to be loose and wet but not liquid-ey. It should look something like this:

Then dip in and apply with your fingers. Rub in small circular motions on your body for about two minutes if it is a small area, or ten to twenty minutes if it is a large area. Then rinse off, pat dry and apply your favourite moisturizer. If you have any left over then pack it up in a plastic container. It will last for about 5 days.

Let me know if you give it a try!

Till Lata,


  1. you should try the brown sugar in honey as a facial scrub. honey is great as a mild cleanser with its anti-microbial properties. so i've read and have been doing :D

    1. Thanks! I will definitely try this. Love me some honey :)


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