My search for a good top coat got serious after my most recent encounter with shallac. After removal my nails were weak and brittle and full of ridges. I decided to give myself a break and just use regular polish. Now, I'm no glamour queen - I cook and clean several times a week, and I have neither the dedication nor the time to repaint my nails three times a week. It just will not happen.
So after my most expensive nail polish chipped on me only two days in I decided that I needed to go out and get a proper top coat. I first picked up the sally hansen insta-dri anti chip top coat in the red bottle. MASSIVE fail. I was sorely disappointed because Sally Hansen has always been my nail go to. With this top coat my nail polish was peeling off in chunks by the next morning. I chucked the bottle and made the plunge with Essie.
Now I am not used to paying $700 + for a bottle of nail polish especially when you can pick up Klean Kolours for $120 BUT I saw the reviews on Makeup Alley and thought if so many people loved it then it was worth a shot. So here's my breakdown:
The essie brushes are small and narrow so chances are you won't be able to goop this on. It forces the application to be thin and smooth. It feels a tad tacky - as in you may not even notice it. As soon as you apply it and it sets it kind of sets to a hard clear shell like an acrylic coat of paint - which is fantastic if you don't want your nails to chip.
Dry Time
This is not a quick-dry top coat at all. I would imagine that because it's so good at not chipping it needs time to set. I recommend painting your nails where you have an hour to set aside for dry time. It will feel dry to the touch within five minutes if so long, but you can disturb the polish if you apply pressure to it or dink it with something sharp before an hour is up. Dunking your nails in cold water won't help the process either. I haven't tried it with one of those fast-drying sprays though. This may bother some persons but I think it's worth the wait if I don't have to change my polish for at least another five days.
With cheaper nail polishes the top coat lasted a good five days without a single chip. After the fifth day I saw tiny chips at the top of the nails of my most used fingers.
With my more expensive/quality polishes this lasted between seven and nine days. A full week!!! I love products that make my life easier!
This may last longer on you because like I said earlier I cook and clean several times a week as well wash my own hair and do laundry. If you don't do this or you do it with gloves on you could have a longer lasting time.
This is not one of those bargain products per se. You can find it in Kingston for between $700 and $850. So far, I have seen it at Discount Beauty Centre in Kings Plaza or The Beauty Spot in the Spartan Wellness Centre on Brompton Road.
Since my nailpolish can last this long I really have no reason to go to the nail salon so, when you really look at it I have saved myself some money because my at-home manicure can actually last.
Bottom line, I would repurchase this product and I highly recommend it to all my friends. The smell is not overwhelmingly powerful and it has a nice shiny finish. I consider this a super fave. Well done essie!
Have you tried this product? What was your experience? Leave a comment and let me know!
Till later,
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