Pack those neon coloured sleeveless tanks, shorts and loafers away fellas. Summer is over and it's time to don more Fall appropriate wear. I could wax poetic about what I've fallen in love with from the runways but I know you're already itching to scroll down to the pictures so let me give it to you straight. Here are five of my favourite men's fashion trends for Fall:
1. Baseball - Style Jackets
This is my favourite of favourites. It emphasizes the shoulders and makes you stand out from the crowd of t-shirts and pull over sweaters. It also has the added bonus of providing you with a way to get your arms around a cold female and it's just so manly - luv it! You can try a coloured v-neck shirt for a night out or a white shirt during the day.
2. Cuffed Pants
This can be a tad tricky. You don't want to roll them and press them because that will be too reminiscent of eight year old khakis. the cuff should be no bigger than two/three inches and the more casual it looks, the better. If the underside of the pants is a different pattern than the right side of your pants then one cuff should be good.

Tartan (Plaid)
Plaid is something that pretty much comes back every other season. The trend for Fall is either really small print or larger print and it can be incorporated into work wear and casual wear. Shirts and ties are easier to pull off than pants and tend to look more modern.

Claret (Dark Red)
You can take a break from the dark palette of Fall colours by incorporating this into your wardrobe. High tops in this colour are definitely a conversation starter so if you can grab a pair, definitely take a go at it.

The trick with this is to wear only one piece of camo print at a time and to go for more faded tones. You can try any of these below:

What are you into for Fall? Would you wear any of these trends?
Till next time,
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