So, here's a secret: You don't actually have to have the time to get your beauty routine in during the day. In fact, most of it can be done in your sleep. Here are some night time beauty treatments to make you a sleeping beauty:
Skin :
Feet & Hands
I really only like to use products that are all-natural or made specifically for the area I am applying the product to when I do so at night. I don't know the science behind it but I just feel like I don't want unnatural products soaking into my skin while I sleep. So, until you know how your skin responds to something I would suggest using only natural products for your night time beauty routine.
Do you have any night time beauty treatments you're crazy about? Leave me a comment and let me know.
Till later,
Skin :
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- Apply tea tree oil to any acne prone areas as a treatment to get rid of pimples and shrink pores
- Apply vitamin E oil to fade acne scars and dark marks
- Apply retinol A cream under your eyes to fight wrinkles, bags and sagging
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- For peeling, stripping nails rub some olive oil onto your nails before bed
- For dry cuticles you can rub argan oil into the cuticles before falling asleep
- Picked up a fungus from the nail salon? Tea tree oil under your fingernails will help in getting rid of the fungus
- The night before you go into the salon for a relaxer, colour or other chemical treatment, treat your hair to some moisture - apply coconut oil to the ends of your hair, fold them under and tie up your hair
- Have an event the next day but don't have time to wash your hair? Sprinkle some baking soda onto your scalp and massage it in gently. When you wake up brush it out and it will act like a dry shampoo getting rid of dirt and oil to make your hair easier to style
- Hair falling out like crazy? Strengthen it with argan oil overnight by applying a small amount to the roots and the ends.
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- Get rid of cracked lips by lathering up with your favourite chapstick or with olive oil before bed. When you wake up, your lips will be buttery smooth and hydrated
- Notice that your lips have been darkening because you play an instrument or live in lipstains? Apply eye cream to your lips every other night for two weeks (make sure you don't ingest it though). If you are a lip licker like me, then just use vitamin E oil.
Feet & Hands
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- Lather up with cream before bed to bring back softness. To amp up the results sleep with socks or mittens on.
- Seeing more wrinkles than anything on your hands? Apply a thick lotion with collagen or caffeine listed in the ingredients to help decrease the appearance of wrinkles or fine lines

- Grow and strengthen your lashes by brushing olive oil onto them with a clean mascara wand every other night. Make sure to remove all mascara before you do this and apply only a tiny bit.
I really only like to use products that are all-natural or made specifically for the area I am applying the product to when I do so at night. I don't know the science behind it but I just feel like I don't want unnatural products soaking into my skin while I sleep. So, until you know how your skin responds to something I would suggest using only natural products for your night time beauty routine.
Do you have any night time beauty treatments you're crazy about? Leave me a comment and let me know.
Till later,
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