Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Review : Olay Professional Pro-X Advanced Cleansing System

I'm back again with another review for you guys & this time, it's a skin care product - the Olay Professional Pro-X Advanced Cleansing System. This is what it looks like:

You would have seen this in my January Faves and I've been getting so much use out of this I decided that it would be remiss of me not to give it a full review all to itself. Now let me give you a little history behind why I searched out and picked up this product. When I just started watching and subscribing to Youtube, one of the most raved about skin care products was the Clarisonic. This was basically a spinning brush head that did an excellent job of cleaning, deep cleaning and exfoliating for radiant, supple skin. The price point on it was over $100 USD and while there were claims that it was worth it I just couldn't see myself forking over that much cash for something that I used in the bathroom. No thanks!

Fast forward several years later when my skin decided to become a banshee overnight and basically clog every single pore on my face and neck. These tiny bumps popped up and refused to go anywhere no matter how often I used a clay mask or peeling mask. I did some research using the Makeup Alley app on my phone and it landed me at the Clarisonic again. I still refuse to pay that amount of money for it so I googled the cheaper alternative. Turns out there were almost as many rave reviews for the Olay system as there were Clarisonic with the added bonus that this was less than $40 USD in most places. So, I picked this up over the Christmas holidays and have been making good use of it and this is what I think of it so far:


As you can see from the images above, the packaging is nothing too fancy. The system includes a brush unit with a brush head, AA batteries, and a 20mL tube of micro-exfoliating scrub. The brush head attaches to the unit pretty easily and you just need to follow the instructions to slide open the battery panel and pop in the batteries. This can be a tad tricky as the panel is pretty secure to help prevent water from getting inside so be prepared to try a little harder than usual. One of the things I enjoy about this is the fact that it is actually water resistant so on those days where you spend longer in the shower shaving or washing your hair, you can just bring the brush in with you and you don't have to worry about it shorting out.


That said, I have difficulties storing this. The brush head does not come with a cap so I'm always worried about air-borne bacteria and other things trickling onto it, and it also doesn't come with those handy holders that you stick on the wall so you may be scratching your head on where and how to store this. I may go looking for one of those bathroom travel kits that you use to store long bars of soap so I can try using it as a case rather than just storing it supine in my bathroom cabinet.

I've had it for more than six weeks and nothing has broken, popped off, gotten loose or stopped working so I would say that this is pretty sturdy. It's also a breeze to clean and I wipe it down with a wipe and some dettol from time to time just to make sure bacteria stays at bay. For the brush bristles themselves, I simply turn it on and submerse them into a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and anti-bacterial soap to keep it clean. You don't have to do this but I'm a little bit of a germaphobe.

Lastly, it is pretty light and easily controllable with one hand as you use it. The whirring is not loud enough for anybody to wonder what the heck you're doing in the bathroom but not so soft that you wonder whether it is on or not. 

There are two speeds, with a noticeable difference on how they perform on your skin. The standard speed is fine for me for everyday cleansing and taking off makeup and the second speed I use to get more of an exfoliating effect from the brush.

Even though it came with a scrub you can feel free to use this with your normal foaming or non foaming face wash and even with a bar of soap if that's what you use. I don't use this to rinse but again this choice is up to you. As always, be careful with the areas around your eye as that skin tends to be far more delicate than anywhere else. I haven't broken any capillaries there while using this but I would imagine it would be possible with pressure. So just avoid the area or use a very light hand. I don't think I need to say this but please do not use this on your eyeballs whether closed or open, you WILL regret it. Just remove your eye makeup the normal way with a remover or olive oil.

If you use this with a scrub with larger granules this will probably be too rough on your skin so stick to face washes and micro-exfoliating scrubs like the one it comes with.


This is more costly than your average face cleanser but it is far less expensive than the Clarisonic or other lesser performing alternatives. I have tried the L'Oreal scrublet and while it does show results it does not compare to the Olay, and the same with the Neutrogena Wave. I got mine for $32 USD at Walmart but you can get this in Jamaica for around $3600JMD or online for between $30 and $40 USD. The brush lasts for a good couple months before you have to replace it and the brush head is only $9USD for two. I think this is reasonable in relation to its performance and comparison.


The difference is definitely noticeable. My pores are unclogged and I can see skin instead of those tiny little inflamed bumps, even my hormonal acne is kept at bay with regular use and it does a wonder at controlling shine all day. It also takes off any residual makeup at the end of the day and shrinks my pores especially around my nose. I haven't noticed any reduction of wrinkles but my skin is bouncier and more supple to the touch and looks more even and healthier generally. I am definitely pleased and I am looking forward to the three month mark to see how much my skin has changed. I don't have any broken capillaries or sagging from using the brush daily and my skin has not gotten more sensitive or irritated.

Final Say

I would repurchase this in a heartbeat (though all I would need are new brush heads) and I heartily recommend this. I am not sure whether this is appropriate for mature skin as I don't know if it is too harsh and may cause sagging but it is Olay the ageing experts so perhaps it is fine. The price, the performance and the results have proven that this is a great product and it will remain a skincare staple for me for a long time. 

Have you tried this? Let me know what you think in the comments below.

Till later,


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