
Also- my friend has been asking me what to use on her skin when its so hot that you sweat everything off, so this is for you hon:

In the lates!
So....after years of reading and subscribing to loads of other persons' posts - I've decided to start my own! wish me luck!
Its summer!!! one of my favourite times of the year..if not my favourite - despite the fact that i live in the tropics and i have relatively hot weather compared to other parts of the world, summer still comes with almost unbearable heat- perfect weather for wearing almost nothing. so I've been cruising for bikinis to make - yes...i make my own swimsuits (they're so tiny I don't see why i should pay for it when i can make it myself).

1. moisturizer : you still need moisturizer even though its really hot- try one with spf I recommend AMBI with spf 30 or Aveeno with spf 50 ...i find these moisturizers aren't too heavy and they don't leave the white film that sunscreen normally leaves
2. a good scrub: summer is skin season so you need to exfoliate to have smooth, even toned skin,,,you don't want it flaky, trust me
3. ligtweight makeup : leave the smoky eye look for nights out...daytime should be fresh-faced. bright, healthy..i don't wear foundation but if you do- now is a good time to switch to mineral- its a lot lighter than liquid or cream...and your pores will thank you for it
4. hydration: you want your skin to be healthy without being sticky...so i use a quick drying all day moisturizer. if you put it on right after your shower when you're still wet you can use baby oil gel or cocoa butter...if you've dried off then i recommend using skin milk - it dries super fast, you don't sweat it off and it never gets sticky
5. deodorant - nuff said
and that's it!
I'm excited its summer - this is what ill be trying out : rompers, cotton dresses and flirty skirts
like so:-

In the lates!
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