Ive been pretty MIA i know. There have been many a time where I've started to write a post via my phone but somehow got distracted and did not finish. But now I'm here, sitting outside a waiting on them to finish cleaning so i can head back inside and I thought to myself- well now would be perfect! The sun is coming out, the place is a nice balance between cool and the nice warmth early sun brings and despite the fact that these two fat birds are fighting at an uncomfortably close distance to me I will press on.
I can be a very internal person- by that i mean that i generate certain thought processes on my own and discover and explore them, and i dare say research them on my own. Why am I like this? well.....its because I have learnt that things i consider interesting and worth exploring are things most persons tend to pass over, whether they mean to or not. (More details on that in another post maybe? But really its just me being sick and tired of being called 'too girly' 'too this 'too that'. I dont know- How can you be too much of something when that is one of the things that define you? So long as youre not one dimensional I really dont see the negative in it)
Anyhoos back to the topic. My abandoned draft posts have somehow had the same theme without my being conscious of it till now. You see, Ive passed the twenty one threshold and mind you though I do have to literally remind myself that I'm not twenty-one anymore, with the passing of that milestone and the very large milestone that is the purpose of my being awake with books at this hour- I have been having a yearning for somewhat of a change, a maturation in the way I present myself.
I have suddenly developed an inkling for ways to refine myself at this stage in my life, to be more consistent and better maintained and groomed. to reduce the 'off-days' to very very little and to develop and maintain the routines that will have my skin and my body thank me when the wrinkles come a calling.
Essentially, to be more sophisticated, more refined.
I have always wondered (to myself of course ha) how does one dress, how does one present oneself to the world when youve graduated from that girl/student stage and are embarking on that womanly stage. Now dont get me wrong, I am not eagerly awaiting adding on more numbers to that twenty-one but I really am searching for answers and ways to distinguish myself from the jeans and flip flop army that is the teenage/university crowd uniform whilst avoiding the polo/ oxford shirt, khaki and mules that is the uniform of the soccer mom......I mean, what the heck do I do with myself now?
I easily do not look my age. Easily. That is not the goal here- instead the goal is to look like (and I struggle for words here) ...to look like I have some sense of self-awareness and possessiveness; and not like Im in an awkward transition stage (flashback to puberty anyone?). Yes I get that makeup helps but I do not and will never rely on makeup solely to make me look presentable.But I dont want to look like a sixteen year old one day and then a twenty something another day because Im in a suit. I would like a consistency that holds throughout.
I will let you in on an embarrasing story that happened all too recently. I was at a function that related to my school and those who practice in the area. A former lecturer of mine and a stalwart in the practice was there and he and I have a good working relationship. Now, me being me on this search to look sophisticated etc had cut bangs and worn them to the event. Needless to say he did not recognize me AT ALL! He even mistook me for someone else. Now this is something that occurrs from time to time in my life. Depending on what Im wearing, how Im wearing my hair etc (sometimes what colour it is) different persons DO NOT recognize me. Now Ive always thought of it as a great thing because it meant i had been successful at changing things up but this time was different. This time the effect was a negative one lol.
Being recognized is important- I do not and will not be able to have a name in the industry im entering for at least five years (if im a slave to it) so my face needs to be well recognized!. So of course the bangs are a big fail :(
So you see I do need help. Ive been doing some reading and some research and im setting about challenging myself on becoming more refined, more groomed, more sophisticated and looking more presentable in all situations.
This entails:
- maintaining my hair in a healthy, glossy, tame manner. Inclusive of ensuring my ends are protected and avoiding heat styling as much as possible. This may also include getting it cut into a layered bob (which is classy, professional and chic all at the same time) as well as colouring it- my natural colour is that of dirt. It is dull and does nothing for me esp since my lashes are super dark.
- getting into a routine with my skin. as in actually being consistent....yikes. Im not consistent with a single thing in my life...i really cannot think of anything......woww
- maintaining my nails and brows. I am that girl who will paint one hand get distracted and go out with one hand painted and the other completely bare and will wear it like that the whole week. People must think Im nuts. I need to pull it together. Can you imagine how wrecked Ill be when Im a mom if i continue like this? No sah
- whitening my teeth. yup I said it. Im gonna investigate whether its cheaper to buy those crest white strips or to go to the dentists and have them do it. Also, if i get a job im going to look into getting invasalign onrretainers as my moving around prevented me from getting them when my braces were removed
- shaving regularly i guess....or better yet getting an affordable at-home wax kit. I would so enjoy ripping those suckers out. Instead of concentrating on trying not to nick myself. Or in lieu of that I could invest in those pretty looking long lasting roundish electrical razors ...yes? just zip zip done! no nicks no blood! ( I do shave but only when my stubble gets noticeable- which is bad I should do it before it gets noticeable right?)
- have a makeup routine i perfect and stick to that makes me look polished
- brushing up on my dining and speech etiquette (finishing school girls holla! lol)
- improving my posture so i remember not to slouch while walking in my heels or to pop the telltale knee when im bored or impatient
- improving my diet so my digestive system can regulate itself so it can be a part of my life rather than my life itself (sigh)
- learning french and brushing up on my spanish
- re-learning ballroom dancing (when am i ever going to use it?) Lord please send some unusual friends my way
- delve into current and classic literature and politics with renewed enthusiasm
- make sure everything i wear is polished, pressed, repaired and well-fitted before i leave the house in it.
I think all these put together will result in a better, more sophisticated, well-put together me. Im also aiming to never wear flip flops again only pretty lady-like sandals; and never to dress lazily. I will start sewing again once exams are done and that should take care of most of my wardrobe.
Wish me luck! and tell me- what improvements do you think you need to make to be more refined and well put together?
Till next time, lataz!
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