I go through at least three books in a week, so an e-reader is the best bet for me because there is no way my pocket can keep up with my reading habit. So when the Kindle Fire came out I became absolutely obsessed with it, and my husband, being the sweetheart that he is bought it for me as a Christmas present. Now, I do love the feel and smell of an actual book, but sentimentality aside, there is a whole world of books to explore with an e-reader. Purchasing individual books and going through them takes more time than swiping your finger across the screen and blazing through your e-reader. Plus, for those words I've forgotten the meaning of or didn't know it in the first place I can just select it and the dictionary defines it for me right there on the spot. In addition, quotes I fall in love with can be noted, and compiled with exact references in a single document stored on the kindle and its accompanying cloud as well. Brilliant right?!
So now that I've sufficiently buttered you up...here's what I have in my carousel presently:
If you adore Jane Austen and her book "Pride and Prejudice' or if you simply like historical/classic literature this is a very acceptable continuation of the story. She doesn't mar Austen's characters nor does she attempt to enhance them, she focuses instead on telling the tale of a character we all found interesting enough and felt enough sympathy towards in the book to want to know her story. I am about half way through and I like it so far. The language, the tone and the development are on par and I do believe Jane Austen would give her a nod of approval if she were alive today (yes, I know I am a book dork lol ).
I have never read from this author and generally I am hesitant to read supposedly thought-provoking books from male authors because they tend to lack planning, for want of a better word. Meaning that either the main character does so many things without thinking about it even though he regrets each decision he makes or, the book follows that of an action movie and takes place over the space of three days. Which is fine for a movie but for a book, not so much! lol. But this is a murder/mystery/thriller book where the lead gets accused of a murder he doesn't commit and goes on the run. It takes you through the risks he takes to prove that he isn't guilty despite how it may seem.
Boy did I enjoy this book! And surprisingly too! I am not a fan of paranormal/magic books and from the blurb that advertised the book I didn't pick up on the fact that it was something that had to do with magic etc. Thankfully it wasn't werewolf/vampire - themed or I probably would not have finished it. It is a little young as it tells the tale of a very 'special' fifteen year old who just can't seem to control what goes on around her. If you want a review you can leave it in the comments and I will gladly do one. It was heartfelt, fast-paced and charming. And I definitely see myself getting the second book in the series as well. (Even though thanks to Sara Shepard I am really wary of series now. I cannot BELIEVE that woman stretched PLL out that long! And it KILLS me because once I am in, I have to know who the villain is and how they did it....grrrrrr!)
This is alright so far. It follows the story of two political candidates running against each other for a state post (in the US) - one woman and one man who used to be engaged and who are not over each other and how they deal with that and their opposing passions to give the people what is good for them. I keep forgetting I am reading this just because it is building so awfully slow. If I end up liking it I will come back and amend this blurb. Till then....meh
I first fell in love with this author when I read her book 'What happened to Goodbye' She did such a good job of identifying and wringing out the emotions of that character in such a short space of time. I respected this book for what it was and found it refreshingly unpretentious and without unnecessary frills.
And there are other books but....they were finished on Sunday night so I don't think it would be fair to mention them here. What are you reading? Are you reading it on your kindle, on your computer or in hard copy? Let me know your suggestions for me to read next week!
Till later,
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