Now I am not a red girl, but deep burgundies look good on almost every person because the deep colour warms you up and gives you a rosier appearance. This is the reason why you will also find so many celebrities and models now wearing the same deep burgundy colour on their lips. It is reminiscent of that flapper era as well, when glam was still trendy and grunge didn't exist.
I am as in love with the colour as I am in hate with the name, and so I've derived several different ways you can wear the trend this season:
1. Faux Leather:
Leather is really really hot this season and we are seeing more and more of it popping up even in tropical Jamaica. The coolest (and I do mean this literally) way to wear leather is on your bottom half - shoes and skirts are what I recommend. A float-y circle skirt will keep your thighs cool while adding a bit of edge to your outfit without sacrificing femininity.
2. Chiffon/Sheer
The sheer trend of this spring is continuing into Fall because of its ability to layer well. Pair a chiffon dress with charcoal heels as an alternative to black. And you can wear a maxi skirt with a sleeveless button up top and a bib necklace or with a heather grey off the shoulder loose fitting top tucked in. Cobalt blue shoes are also a nice alternative.
3. On the lips
As a nod to the 40s flapper era, deep coloured lips are back. If you are a newbie to colour on the lips, your best bet is to grab a lipliner in a chocolate brown or a deep burgundy line the lips then follow with a similar-toned lipgloss. If you are feeling more daring then by all means, go for the new lip stains that are on the market so that the colour is less likely to fade or bleed. This can be worn matte or glossy.
4. Nails
Dark nailpolish has always been trendy for fall. Oxblood has the unique quality of making your fingers look sophisticated and trendy at the same time. I snagged this nailpolish in the pharmacy above Subway in Oaklands but these colours are popping up everywhere.
How do you plan on wearing oxblood this season? Leave me a comment and let me know if you're into this trend or if you'll skip it.
(All images courtesy of the web, except last image)
Till later,
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